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Letter from Everything

Received from Cyberspace
To: "You Idiots"
CCs  WWW.Everyone.Net/World

     You have the biggest mess ever since you were sent to Earth. I'm fearfull that the mess over MY NAME has gone to far this time. Since not one of you know ME.
     GET REAL - I gave you the rules in the beginning- DO GOOD & MULTIPLY, no more no less.  But you have twisted,lied and turned these rules everywhere but backwards to the point I don't unerstand.
     I was sure by keeping it simple stupid(K.I.S.S.) that any Idiot would know GOOD and simply DO IT.
     I give up- YOU handle all your mess by doing GOOD or I will have to destroy,as before, all the Bad and Try Again. My Planet is worth it.
      It is My World and I will take care of it as I see fit, for GOOD.

WOW------Scared the dickens out of Me.
So today, 6/16/04, disgused,confussed and little bit MAD, decided to send Him or Her, or whatever an E/M.
Subject: Big Why?? Big Guy!!!
There are some of US who try Real Hard to do right and SET things straight. With little or no help from U. What do we have to do??? We do not have the time U have. Me for one can wait no longer!!! HELP!!!
Then I went to the WDC ZOO- Talked to all who would listen, and They too want some answers!! DO SOMETHING OR WE WILL!!!!
Call US what you want>>>>Filabusters Or OC's

When Will You People, Learn, To Say a simple "Thank You!"